Our Beliefs.


The Burning Flame believes that it is only the truth and power of God’s Word and the ministry of the Holy Spirit that can truly transform lives, marriages, families and society.


Mission of Burning Flame

As mandated by the Holy Spirit, the mission of the Burning Flame is to provide healing, empowerment, enlightenment and enrichment to Christians through discussing real issues by the venue of practical biblical teaching, small group discussion and prayer.

We value:

·       Providing services, rooted in Biblical truth and ethics, for the Christians of all denominations.

·       Practicing our God-given spiritual gifts of love, discernment, encouragement, teaching, healing, knowledge, administration, helping, and wisdom to empower those who attend.

·       Affirming and carefully following the morals of the Christian faith,Genesis 2:24 “Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh.”

·       Offering seminars, workshops, and resources that strengthen individuals, marriages, families, and the community.